Health On The Go: The Golden Rules Of Every Traveler
My dear travelers, today I even have for you a really important and needed entry regarding health and our safety during the journey. Many factors contribute to a successful journey, and one among the foremost important is that the knowledge and awareness of situations which will (although they are doing not need to be preventive at all!) Meet us in various corners of the world. Discovering new, often unfamiliar places is astounding, but somewhere during this euro fiat, an ambush, crazy taking pictures of subsequent landscapes and trying subsequent exotic dishes, there must be an area for a rational approach to taking care of yourself.
If somebody thinks that he's untouchable and on vacation or on a journey of dreams only beautiful situations happen in the film, he's unfortunately wrong. no matter what's the aim of our journey and what's its nature, taking care of health must be the amount one among all activities. During the vacation period, the frequency of trips increases, but this trend is slowly changing and travels appear throughout the year. And more and more often these are remote, tropical and culturally different places. this suggests that - especially during a new place - we must be prepared for all possible situations, in order that we will easily enjoy the journey.
The quality of life and sanitary conditions in Europe are very high, and that we are wont to it and sometimes we don't skill many aspects we'd like to concentrate to during a stay in another country, especially one that's less developed, features a different bacterial flora or diseases that don't occur in our home country.
Let's also overthrow the parable that, with short trips, like in Europe, we will wave our hand for correct preparation. It doesn't matter whether we are getting to Croatia every week or a month's trip to the Amazon. The principles of caring for the health, safety and widely understood travel prophylaxis apply to EVERYWHERE.
I am not here to scare you, but to share with you my travel experience and what I even have often learned about health on the go. most vital, however, is that the incontrovertible fact that most dangerous situations and diseases are often easily avoided by following the essential principles of PREVENTION, ie prevention beforehand.
Remember that vaccinations before departure are the idea, but the vaccinations alone don't protect us from infection, so our main goal is to stop any disease from being infected. And for that, we've some security rules in everyday functioning.
That's why today I'm during a hurry and that I have gathered for you the foremost important rules that we travelers must know and apply. Because we agree, there's nothing worse than being sick on the road.
In the first place, we should always remember about water. it's contaminated water and food prepared thereon that are among the foremost common causes of traveler's illness. Especially when it involves poorly developed countries, which are a frequent destination of exotic travels. Diseases that will be infected by infected water are, for instance, travelers' diarrhea, typhoid, jaundice or cholera (hence the vaccination for these diseases is certainly recommended, because contrary to appearances, they're not rare).
The easiest thanks to treat water is to cook it, because it kills all pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and parasites. If it's impossible to boil water (eg during survival expeditions), it's worthwhile to get chemical treatment agents containing iodine, chlorine or silver compounds, or modern micro filtering filters (portable point-of-use).
RULES you would like to recollect
1. Drink only drinking water
(with a closure protected with foil that's not utilized in Poland) or canned. Even in restaurants, order water during a bottle, not one which will be served during a jug or directly during a glass.
Warning! In India, I met with cases that the water sold in street kiosks was poured into plastic bottles from the well, then with a lighter the cork was melted to form it look pre-bottled (!). there's a patent for it: always squeeze the bottle with water firmly, if the cork doesn't fire, it means the bottle was closed at the factory and you'll boldly drink it.
2. Avoid drinks with ice coming from an unknown source
Like you remember about drinking water, but how hot it's, man doesn't concentrate that water also can be found in our juice or drink. Inspecting the source of water used looks like a miracle, so I exploit an easy rule - within the tropics, I never drink ice-cold drinks. Believe me, it is often experienced, and therefore the problem of wondering if it might be good water, needless to say, disappears because the hand took away.
3. Wash fruits and vegetables with bottled or boiled water
Remember - an equivalent principle as using ice - washing food with water or well is not any different from drinking it, because bacteria and viruses will just stay the food. Even after washing, always take them out. you'll also burn the skin with boiling water, which can kill most of the germs.
4. Avoid foods that haven't been cooked sufficiently
High temperatures and humidity, also as poor food storage conditions, making it susceptible to a rise within the number of microorganisms that will cause infection. This particularly applies to meat, eggs, seafood, and dairy products. don't eat undercooked food and food that you simply aren't sure that it's undergone heat treatment or, for instance, has been out of the refrigerator for an extended time. Contrary to appearances, it's not difficult to travel, for instance, stalls in Southeast Asia are a tract for bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Just check out the meat or fish, which without a refrigerator lie on the countertops for several hours, and will activate you a warning lamp. Another example - Cuba and famous cakes with topping sell on the road at 30 degrees (without a refrigerator). We definitely say NO to such snacks.
5. be careful with street eateries and stalls
I know, I know, you'll be outraged immediately, because the way to attend a replacement place and not try the local cuisine at the points where mainly locals eat and typically rock bottom. I'm not saying no but just take care. attempt to choose those during which there's tons of traffic, therefore the food has got to be prepared on a daily basis, and check out the dishes cooked and fried. additionally, concentrate on what these dishes are served - ideally, these are disposable plates and cutlery, and not, for instance, plastic reusable. All you've got to try to do is look closely at the place to ascertain that your plate after the predecessor has just been roughly rinsed during a large bowl of water that has been there for several hours and has more bacteria in it than you'll imagine.
6. Brush your teeth with water from the bottle or boiled
Sounds fancy? But it's not. Every experienced traveler will tell you that the primary moment you reach an exotic place is to place a bottle of drinking water within the bathroom. for instance, to recollect about her when brushing your teeth, because we don't have a reflex to rinse the mouth with water from the bottle. I will be able to go even a step further - you'll also wash your face with such water, and if you think that that it's an excessive amount of, always, but always close your mouth washing your mouth or bathing within the shower (and then dry the face and therefore the mouth area with a towel) accidentally, don't swallow water. It's still equivalent water that we attempt to avoid, and sometimes one drop is enough to poison. Believe me, I did it in India - precisely because I forgot to shut my mouth, washing my hair within the shower.
7. Wash your hands often and always wipe them
Frequent washing shortens life - says the adage, but not this point. Hand hygiene is an absolute foundation. Always wash them before eating and use soap. Additionally, remember to dry your hands with a towel - for equivalent reasons as above - to avoid mouth contact or food with water. And, better of all, have a requirement HAVE with you each traveler - an alcohol-based disinfectant gel - and use it even after washing your hands.
Insects are really a difficult opponent. There are many them, they're small and "spread with the speed of sunshine ." Their intrusiveness isn't limited to bubbles on the skin or unbearable buzzing over the ear. Insects are one among the foremost dangerous carriers of infectious diseases, like malaria, fever, dengue or Japanese encephalitis. Contrary to appearances, you simply need one sting to become infected. And these diseases are nasty and for a few of them (eg malaria or dengue) there's no currently available vaccine. It means our only weapon is prevention, or briefly, don't let yourself bite. Because I assume that the utilization of the foremost effective method minimizing the danger, i.e. not indulging in places in danger of morbidity (unfortunately, nowadays an outsized a part of the planet and everything we call tropics),
RULES you would like to recollect
1. Repellents, repellents, and repellents
The simplest and best rule - use repellents, that's chemical substances, repelling insects. Choose, however, people who contain DEET or ikicdynÄ™. The formula - spray, gel or roll-on is optional. it's also important to understand what concentration to settle on. within the case of DEET, it shouldn't exceed 20% in children and 50% in adults. However, it's not an appropriate remedy for infants under 2 months old. DEET agents last for about 6 hours, but they ought to be used more often, for instance after a water bath.
My advice is: don't hesitate to use repellents. don't approach this: I don't want to, I even have forgotten, and perhaps nothing will bite me. I also had such a selective approach, until in Thailand I fell ill with Dengue. you'll also try local remedies that are often supported insectifuge ingredients (such as lemon essential oil or ordinary oil) and are equally effective.
Warning! Remember that in tropical countries where you employ UV filters, the repellent is applied to the skin after first protecting it with sunscreen.
2. Cover the body
There are many guides that advise you to hide up within the tropics from head to toe, i.e. long pants, long sleeves, socks, and high boots. And if you check out an area, eg in Thailand, you'll actually see that even in 30 degrees they wear jeans and blouses with long sleeves. In part, it's a habit of high temperatures and partial protection against mosquitoes. However, I'm aware that if we don't attend the jungle or safari, just for a vacation trip to warm countries, everyone wants to require advantage of this heat and sun, and walking in jeans is that the last item he dreams about. I even have such a patent for it that I wear, for instance, long thin dresses or thin loose pants that cover the skin but are still airy. I placed on a tunic or kimono on my shoulders, so I don't feel covered from head to toe,
Warning! When traveling more survivalowych it's worth considering buying clothing factory impregnated insecticide, like permethrin, means a measure that features a deterrent effect on various species of insects, including chamomiles, ticks, gnats, and sand fleas.
3. Prepare your accommodation
Checking the space before falling asleep is extremely important. First of all, take a glance at the tightness of windows and doors, check if the security nets have holes and take away all mosquitoes from the space. I definitely recommend you select rooms with air-con, because it's a natural barrier that runs over insects. If you are doing not have air-con, it's necessary to settle on an area with a screen, but take care - make sure there are not any holes, because in many hostels or hotels, unfortunately, mosquito nets at the beds leave much to be desired. Traveling in Southeast Asia to less developed countries, like Laos or Cambodia, I had my very own screen in my backpack (PLN 15 on Allegro), which saved me repeatedly from the bloodthirsty attacks of mosquitoes.
4. The time of the day matters
The mosquito transmitting diseases isn't attacked only at dawn and at dusk. differing types of them carry different pathogens over the course of a circular day, so realizing that we are exposed all the time is a crucial principle that ought to mobilize us to repeatedly protect ourselves. During the day, they prey on mosquitoes carrying dengue, chikungunya fever, zika, and yellow jack. However, at night, the likelihood of a mosquito infesting malaria, Japanese encephalitis and fever of the western Nile is increased.
5. Not just mosquitoes
Let's also disprove the parable that only mosquitoes threaten us. Insects carrying dangerous diseases are far more and there's nothing to panic, but remember that the appliance of the above principles protects us against the whole spectrum of insects. during a tropical climate, there are often sandworms (extremely irritating micro-openings that are difficult to ascertain and which don't sound sort of a mosquito) - leishmaniasis carriers, onchocerciasis flies, Chrysops from which loans may develop and known tusks use carrying an African coma. during a word - there's nothing to be protected from!
Exotic journeys also involve possible contact with unfamiliar animal species living on the brink of humans, e.g. monkeys in Indonesia or India. Our first instinct is that the desire to seem at them closely, take a photograph, etc. However, you want to take care, because they're still wild animals, often carriers of diseases like rabies. Bats also are carriers of bats, for instance in caves. What's more, the probability of being bitten by a dog or cat is even greater, and these aren't lacking, for instance in Thailand - there are whole hordes of them. it's worth to urge vaccinated on rabies, and in touch with animals be restrained.
If you visit open areas and shut to nature, make certain to observe out for snakes, scorpions, and spiders. Animals that are practically non-existent in Poland, so we aren't familiar with taking them under consideration in our way of thinking.
RULES you would like to recollect
1. Avoid contact
The simplest rule - stand back from unfamiliar animals. don't attempt to touch the monkeys and don't use their food (it irritates them considerably and may cause them to aggressively). an equivalent with random dogs or cats, even domesticated ones. In poorly developed countries, the approach to animals is different than within the West, nobody vaccinates them and doesn't control them at the vet, and most of them aren't.
2. Wear full footwear
Flip-flops for a walk to the jungle? No thanks! When choosing the jungle, forest or rural areas, remember to wear full footwear, because it'll best protect you against possible bites of animals living within the grass and undergrowth. Always check your shoes before putting them on and thoroughly shake them off. it's hard to imagine what proportion it can slot in one shoe, for instance to my trainer left on the terrace in Thailand, four frogs are packed! you are doing not skills difficult it had been to get rid of them from him!
3. Protect the youngest
If you're traveling with children, remember that through their growth they're a simple target for animals like dogs or cats, which makes them extremely susceptible to possible contact with their saliva or bite. Especially that children don't have barriers in themselves and are more likely to hold close animals.
4. steel oneself against snorkeling
If you've got plans to snorkeling, get special rubber footwear that protects you from stepping on poisonous sea animals. Here you are doing not need to look far - eg in Croatia, there are many sea urchins, whose sting is extremely painful and poisonous. And what's new within the warm waters of Australia.
Often, what you can't see is that the most dangerous, hence one among the foremost recommended is that the tetanus vaccine, which is found within the soil. it is easy to urge infected with it because you simply need a little abrasion or scratch on your feet (and that's easy to do), which together with the outdoor shoes we use on holidays, exposes us to potential contagion. the simplest protection is certainly wearing covered shoes.
RULES you would like to recollect
1. Try to not walk barefoot
After all, even the thinnest flaps are ready to protect against infection. Also, avoid places with contaminated soil or sand.
2. Watch where you go
Avoid also places with high grass, bushes, venturing into the forest after dark.
3. don't take a shower in unmarked places
It is also good to avoid swimming or wading in water reservoirs or shallow ponds because there can also be parasites in them.
At the top I will be able to add a couple of important rules which will certainly assist you in small and enormous trips:
1. FLIGHTS AND fatigue
After reaching the new place, give yourself time to acclimatize and obtain won't to, for instance, high temperatures or changes in altitude. Visiting and exploring with tons of tiredness and shock of the organism resulting from changes in time and climate zones - may be a simple step to its weakening and thus greater susceptibility to disease.
In a hot and tropical climate remember about the right irrigation of the body and necessarily about sunscreen. don't underestimate the sun, because the closer to the equator, the stronger it's and tans us faster and harder. And against such a sun we are protected only by very high filters (minimum 30 SPF) and necessarily a headgear! it's not a few nice tan, but about avoiding sun shocks, strokes and skin melanoma.
A factor that's vital and which is usually underestimated. When traveling, it happens to urge sick and even attend the hospital. additionally to good and proven insurance, which is an absolute basis, whether it's a brief trip to Europe or a visit to the tropics - you furthermore may got to have eyes around the head within the context of medical facilities. In poorly developed countries, the extent of sterility and professionalism of personnel may deviate from Western standards, which makes a tourist risk of contracting hepatitis B or HIV / AIDS while taking IV drip or intravenous medications. So if you've got a choice (I'm not talking about extreme cases of life and death, when any assistance is already all), believe it five times if the place you came to meets the standards of cleanliness.
This also applies to casual sexual encounters - always use condoms and remember that in developing countries the danger of contracting STDs and HIV / AIDS is far above in Europe.
The same applies to the performance of cosmetic treatments or tattooing - if you've got to, choose a reputable place, because it'll reduce the likelihood of contracting, among others WZW B and C.
4. PLAN together with your HEAD!
I know that when the journey of a journey comes, everything else goes to the background, but take care altogether of this. the planet won't escape us, and health may so choose carefully the places you would like to go to. Check the pages of embassies that provide current information on eg natural cadastre, also because the WHO website, which updates information on the epidemic or the increased risk of infection, eg dengue during a given region. If you are doing not need to, don't push yourself into dangerous places or await the threat to pass. None folks are untouchable, but most dangerous situations are often avoided. On the one hand, adventure is an adventure, but on the opposite - at the top of the day what's really important is health and safety. Without this, each trip loses its flavor.
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